Kiwi guy on a wheel

Wells meter reader Craig Poole travels between job on his electric unicycle, reports

A Tauranga man is paving the way for a new form of meter reading transport in New Zealand. Craig says he is the only meter reader who uses an electric unicycle as it was his own personal choice to ride it. He finds it very economical and time saving compared to walking. If you ride a wheel you know much freedom and fun you get from doing it. 

One of the main reasons he got one was because he had sore legs from all this walking, so he spent about $2500 on his Gotway MSuper v3. Craig also takes safety seriously so he wears kneed and elbow pads and bike gloves. 

Craig Poole and his wheel

It is always good when local newspaper talk about EUCs in a positive light because that helps raise awareness and maybe, just maybe, one day riding a wheel will become the norm!