The First Electric Wheel Grand Prix

It's finally happening, the first EUC Grand Prix, you can become a professional EUC rider and enjoy both fame and riches! 

EWGP Prizes

The Electric Wheel Grand Prix will be the first organised, regulated race of EUCs in the United States. Having the biggest and fastest wheel doesn't necessarily mean that you will win because the 400 meter asphalt racing track will test your agility, obstacle avoidance, offroading, hairpin turns and more.

The race is going to be held on the 13th of April 2019 in Oakland, CA but the exact location is secret and will be announced the evening before the event.  The racing will be a Mario Kart style as there will be power up items such as smoke grenades that can be placed to obscure obstacles and high power water pistols to blast anyone who gets too close. 

Cash prizes will be paid out at the end of the event. First place gets $250, second gets $150 and third place brings you $100. 

Safety is important as EWGP Racers will be required to wear a minimum of a helmet and protective gloves on the track but it's recommended that you have elbow, knee and wrist guards as well because you don't want to fall on asphalt doing 22 miles per hour (check out the rules here).

For more information about the event click here

This events sounds like tons of fun but sadly I live over 5000 miles away so it'll be a challenge for me to get there but I will be waiting for the photos and videos and hopefully I'll be able to give you an update on this story and include loads of pictures!