Mario's Micra doesn't want to start and it's not a flat battery!
On this week's episode we watch Mike trying to fix Mario's Micra. Will Mario need a new car or start using the Monster Pro as a commuter wheel between Cheltenham and Mitcheldean?
Ian is busy with the shop in Ross, trying to get things going. Speedy Feet customers haven't been interested in the 'Comfy' 3 pack face masks/ bandanas but maybe people walking into the shop in Ross would be interested in something like that. He built a show stand and now it's a waiting game to see if people are actually interested in them or it has been a money pit.
Mario has been doing a bit of repair work, trying to rebuild a Monster V3. Hopefully that will be sorted very soon and the wheel can go up on the website for sale!
Have a look at the Micra drama here: